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Kryder Details

Wil Trahan


Kryder’s musical talents don’t follow a trend, he sets the trend. His music transcends language and captivates the ear. Delivering a sound so genre defying it is easily considered “too” fresh to label. Never one to wake up and say “I want to make an electro record”, he lets the feel and groove of the moment propel his inspiration. His invigorating take on big room firepower has found a massive audience, both on the dance floor and within the dance music industry. Just as well, his peak time, mind numbing, genre busting sets have a story to tell, and Kryder’s ability to tell that story keeps the crowds craving more.

Kryder’s 2013 release of “Aphrodite” on Axtone Records was a crowning moment in his young career and though his originals are signed to some of the biggest labels and he has remixed the industries biggest artists. Whatever paintbrush he’s using, his records are consistent and built to fill epic spaces with the aggressive sound needed to give peak-time sets the required energy.


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