Fikuz - albero genealogico, e lianovyh cluster familiare
shovkovytsevyh pianta. Distribuito principalmente nelle regioni
tropicali e subtropicali di entrambi gli emisferi. Nel tipo uno
URSS - fico, che coltivano alberi da frutto come. F. cresciuto come
una stanza decorativo. Ficus - un impianto mitico che cresce in
quasi tutta la stanza...
Cultural and entertainment projects, creating in order to implement
and diversify bright holiday people's interest in unification and
improvement of their skills and talents. Unforgettable parties a
new level in your town. Organization and conducting recreational
activities, and shows, festivals, Open airs, projects and their
development. DJing, producing and improve the club culture.
Contests, performances of dance, photo and video reports from
parties =)