Kill The Noise Information page Jake Stanczak

Dubstep DJ 10650.8
Kill The Noise Kill The Noise Kill The Noise
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Kill The Noise - Talk To Me

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Kill The Noise

i get asked how i made the "bass" talk to me voice. i did it with massive, (resampled and chopped it up so it sounded like it was saying "talk to me") then i ran it through my talk box, and mouthed the words to add more enunciation to it. i used a high pass filter on it, rolled everything off except the tops and high mids of the voice and then layered it back on top of the original bass sound and compressed it a bit. this was back when i was trying to really figure out how to make the "talking bass sounds" that skrill was doing. didn't know how, so i did it my own way! sometimes creative stuff comes from not knowing what your doing!

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