Celine Dion Information page Céline Marie Claudette Dion

Pop artists 13375.1
Celine Dion Celine Dion
Artist in the catalog: Stars

Share your 'Stories of Motherhood' on CelineDion.com

Added by:
Celine Dion

CelineDion.com celebrates Motherhood in all its forms! You can submit your Stories of Motherhood and share them with fans around the world.

Record your "Motherhood Story" and upload the file to YouTube as a "Video Response" to our original video. For more help, please visit: http://support.google.com/youtube/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=57931

For Celine, the bond of Motherhood has always been a source of strength and inspiration in every aspect of her life. Whether it's the love she feels for her own Mother or her journey becoming a Mother herself, Celine has always shared these precious stories with her fans through her art.

Here's your chance to share your story of Motherhood in all its forms. How has your Mother inspired you? How has becoming a Mother changed your life? Share your story with millions of fans around the world!

Version française: http://youtu.be/5DLTE38RkXk

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