AleXandeR Александр Колесник

DJ Trance - Начинающие 7.4

AleXandeR - The Black Metal Radio Vol.39 [30.05.2018] (2018)

AleXandeR - The Black Metal Radio Vol.39 [30.05.2018]
Дата записи:
30 May 2018
Дата добавления:
08 June 2018
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329 153
mix metal rock
56.27 MB

Описание / Треклист:

01 Ape On The Rocket - Intro
02 Around The World In 80 Days - Behind You
03 Danger Silent - Illuminate
04 Skyharbor - Out of Time
05 Sunset Trail - In Peace
06 Bolu2 Death - I Am Doomed
07 PRoject OxiD - Burst (Slug & Murs)
08 Beneath The Silence - Hate Me
09 The Material - The One That Got Away
10 Fifth Dawn - Pressure
11 Dream State - New Waves
12 Circle of Dust - Contagion (Sebastian Komor Remix)
13 Call It Home - Arrogance
14 David Galloway - The Do Over
15 Dream On Dreamer - Stay
16 Unprocessed - Millenium

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