WorldOfBrights presents actual al l bo's voice & acapellas library named "VOICES" / 2016

WorldOfBrights presents actual al l bo's voice & acapellas library named "VOICES" / 2016
"VOICES" is al l bo's voice & acapellas album contained 39 songs, vocal sketches & improvisations recorded in lossless format at 2013-2015 for albums "Jetpack", "Deep House The Heroes", "Nu-Disco The Heroes" and EPs "Rocket Star", "London Awaits", "Moscow Matrix". "VOICES" recordings harvests tons of remixes published by Clouds Testers The Legendaries & Stellar Map WorldWide / WorldOfBrights digital labels, gets tops of national nu-disco & deep house charts with help of loving hearts.
Credits / released February 9, 2016
(C) (R) 2016 Alexander Bobrov: Songwriter, composer, lyricist, vocals, recording, back vocals; (C) (R) 2016 Julia Beaver: Photo
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