Death of Paul Walker increased the value of "The Fast and the Furious 7"

The death of Paul Walker has significantly increased the cost of production of the 7th part of “Fast and Furious”. According to the magazine The Hollywood Reporter, the budget of the film may exceed $ 250 million.
A significant portion of money amount will be spent on the creation of CGI- images of the deceased actor, and their combination with the bodies of two his brothers, who had agreed to become doubles.
The creation of complex visual effects will make Peter Jason’s company ‘WETA’. And also all the episodes involving the Walker brothers will be shot on three additional cameras, which would make the combination of images virtually invisible.
Besides of these factors, the delay of the film premiere and new shooting schedule will cause increase of payments to stars like Vin Diesel.
And even insurance company will have to pay much money because of the premiere delay.
Recall that the new series will be released in April 2015.