10 Years of friendship – 2 weeks of madness

Tomorrowland is a grand music festival that joins people from all over the world. And this year it will celebrate its anniversary – 10 years of friendship! You can also become a part of this great music holiday!
This year the festival will last during the whole two weeks. Upcoming event’s dates are: July 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27.
The festival creators are planning a special art project and every person will be able to take part in it.
Arne Quinze, who is an organizer of this project offered to build something where you can read messages or post not ordinary texts for most regular visitors, which is now called “People of Tomorrow”. It is about people for whom there are no boundaries, which are united out of political beliefs and religions by only the music power. But leaving comments is not free. Place on one of the thousands of plates (on which the text will be engraved) costs from 10 euros. Facility will be 450 meters long and 30 meters in height. The special construction will place in "Provincial Domein De Schorre of Boom" (the venue of the festival).
Arne Quinze is a man, who is known for his campaign aimed at socializing between people in the urban environment through art. He has an aim to create objects in every a city to turn them from gray concrete jungle into beautiful places, where you are happy spending time with other people.
If you want to know more information about Tomorrowland, visit its official website: http://www.tomorrowland.com/