Exclusive interview with the Hollywood star – Julia Roberts!!!

-Julia, I cannot tell you how TV viewers admire you!
- Thank you. It is nice...
- Did you like your new film? Did you watch it from beginning to end?
- Yes, with my husband. We both liked it. And I, frankly speaking, proud of what I saw.
- Would you allow your children to watch the film “Mirror Mirror”, in which you played the evil queen? And what about the second film “August: Osage County”?
-No. They are too young to see such things. Only recently we celebrated the birth of daughter Hazel and son Phinnaeus – they are nine years old now. Son Henry is six. I do not think they have grown to this film. Too early to traumatize them with the plot of this film, where there is family squabbles and quarrels. We will wait their full age and then will watch together this and all my previous films. But I am looking forward to when my mom sees it. I played in this film mom and daughter. Let's see what she tells me, seeing as I beat Meryl Streep, who plays my mother. (Laughs)
- Yes, very emotional scene! How could you hit Meryl Streep? Was it difficult?
- Just creepy! I was so afraid to hurt her.
- How many duplicates did you need to shoot?
- Unfortunately, much, too much . All day filming and reshoot. As a result, we both had a bunch of bruises and abrasions. But Meryl never complained. Yes, she is much stronger than me. A real fighter!
- Did you first starred with Meryl? Remember a time when you were told that she would play the role of your mother?
- I was shocked. I wanted to exclaim, “You are kidding, right? Pinch me, please, otherwise I do not believe it!”.
With Meryl we even once played in a charity performance at Lincoln Center in New York. Then I met with her and I was glad to see that in the life Strip is even more talented and amazing than in my imagination. (Laughs)
You probably now ask how we both found ourselves in this movie? We have one film agent. And it was his dream – to see us in the one film. He worried that very soon I turn into a housewife and decided to find a new role for me. (Laughs)
- You play a woman in a life of which there are many problems: a bad marriage, uncontrollable teenage daughter, the disappearance of his father, a difficult relationship with her mother. While in your life everything is fine and you are happy. Was it easy to play a misfortune when your real life full of happiness?
- It is very difficult! Of course, I knew that it would be too heavy emotionally. All members of this family are deeply unhappy and depressed, they have terrible relations with each other, and this script is a real madhouse. Besides, I missed my husband and children. I must recognize the fact that without a family I cannot live. Family – is the most important thing that I have in my life.
- You do not immediately had the family fortune. How you realize that Danny – the same man that you need?
- Sometimes you can be with a person at the same intelligent level, but do not have the same mental values. Or you do not like his political views, for example, or how he joking. But in Danny I like absolutely everything. And it continues to this day. When I hear his footsteps, always start rubbing and pinching cheeks very quickly – because blush makes me pretty. My marriage to Danny – the best decision of my life and I knew with all my heart that he – my only beloved man in the world.
- Your character in the film realizes that she is like her unhappy, sarcastic and lonely mother. And it is scary. And are you like your mother?
- Of course. But unlike my heroine Barbara I am proud of similarity. (Laughs)
My mother is amazing – funny and smart, cheerful. I try to be the same. She is always ready to help. Since childhood, she taught me to rely only on yourselves. And this, as you know, is a great motivation to action. At least for me.
I remember when I came to New York to become an actress. There was a time, when I was completely desperate and called my mom and said “I'm going home”. And she said: “No! Stay there, I'm sure you will do it, you only need more time, be patient”. This conversation was very helpful for me. And finally I found my place under the sun.
- You always tell that there is no quarrels and scandals in your house. It was interesting to hear you in the movie swearing like a trooper.
- Yeah, that was funny. Especially the scene with a fish is strong, where I say the word “fuck” fifty times. (Laughs)
Although I had to swear, in my life I never do it. But sometimes I do not notice how bad words remains in my memory after film shooting and I begin use them! (Laughs)
- How do you think, will you get the "Oscar" for this role...?
- It is so flattering. I am an actress and I will not hide the fact that, like all actors, like flattery. And I will be glad to get it. But I do not like to read some news and even gossips about myself in internet.
- In one of the scenes you give a slap to your daughter, seeing that she smokes pot and kisses with a grown man, who is also your sister's fiance. What do you do if your children do not obey?
- It was good that I did not have such a terrible situation in my life! That is a stress for everyone... not in my nature to comment and especially to condemn someone's behaviour. My children and my husband behave well even when I make them eat vegetables instead of sweets. (Laughs)
- Are you afraid that your children later become naughty?
- I have a lot of time yet to come! Do not rush things. (Laughs) Although time flies too fast. But how to prepare for it? I try to be optimistic and believe that my kids will not be little monsters. Many parents tell horror stories their kids. But I think that adolescence – that is fine.
- Every family has a favourite child. Do you agree?
- Well, my mom had. And I must clarify: it was not me. As for me, my children are all so sweet! (Laughs.)
- If any of your children also want to become an actor or actress, what advice you will give them?
- Comes to mind a million jokes about acting. (Laughs )
But I really like my job, and I would not discourage children from this profession. That is important to listen to their desires.
Because I want the kids return home from the street sweaty, dirty, with peeled knees, smelling with the sun – in short, as long as it possible they must have unusual and wonderful childhood.
- Julia, as I know, you grew up in a poor family. Now you are wealthy person. Are you pamper your children?
- My husband and I tried not to spoil them. But everything is subjective. Children themselves, may be considered that we are very strict parents. I think you need in any situation to be able to talk to children, listen to their opinions and express yours. Such dialogue with the child is not always easy, but it will warn many problems in the future.
- How do you behave when there is some conflicts in your family?
- I think there are two reasons for quarrels. First, to swear, to speak out and take it easy, you have to let off steam. And secondly, to prove your innocence. And you do not need to waste nerves, I think it is silly. Easier way is to talk, to listen to each other and come to a decision acceptable to all of you.
- The actor Dermot Mulroney played the role of your sister’s fiancé. He seems to be your good friend? He said that while filming you sheltered stray dog. Is it true?
- Yes, we became close friends after the movie “Best Friend's Wedding”. He always give me a moral support. Do not know what I would do without him!
We are just good friends. And about the dog, you know ... Yes, on one of the streets I saw a stray dog and could not pass up – so it was a pity. As a result, took to the shooting, and then home. She also was pregnant, can you imagine? Now I have a lot of puppies. (Laughs)
- You have so many reasons to be happy – a successful career, a happy marriage, loved children and good friends. And what brings you a special joy?
- Family. My luck – my family . Without a doubt. Husband Danny makes me immensely happy. He is my best friend and adviser. Generally, I have recently realized that in order to be truly happy, you need to work on yourself every day. Make the right decisions, to choose healthy foods, to be pretty for your husband – all this leads to lasting happiness.
Are you surprised that I am talking only about the family and relationships? No, work is also important. But I never had big ambitions in career. As a child, I wanted to be a veterinarian. But my parents were actors themselves and once they organized a school master classes in acting, in Atlanta. And all of us – me, my brother Eric, sister Lisa – were infected with parental illness: we loved movies and acting. And as a result became actors!
- You look great – is it the result of careful caring or good genes?
- Thank you. I was lucky: I really have very beautiful parents. I very rarely use makeup only when working. My kids will not even recognize me when I am wearing makeup. (Laughs)
So it is in the nature. And I am busy all the time: get up at five o'clock in the morning, do the kids breakfast, gathering them in school. Can not believe it, but I was incredibly happy that I have such a big privilege – to cook three meals a day for my family. (Laughs)
- And do not do anything more – sports, diet and all that jazz?
- I do exercises, I run. But believe me, 97 per cent – is genetics. Do not let anyone mislead you brain with all this nonsense about care, fitness, diet and so on. 97 percent – genes, and only 3 percent – the result of your body movements.
- Meryl Streep in the film says something like: “Women over the years become ugly.” Do you agree?
- Well, look at me! (Laughs) I am sure that with age, people are starting to look like they feel themselves inside. And we are back to the theme of happiness. The happier people, the better they look. I recently had a birthday – 46 years old. I am not very pleased to have this figure. And the result was one of the best birthday of my life! Met all my family and friends. It was just super!
- You are a person successful in all spheres of life. Is there something else, what you seek?
- Nothing new, I do not need. I want everything that I already have, again and again. If everyone stops for a moment and remember all that good he has in the life, then all people will be happy. (Laughs)
- You mean, all the difficulties and struggles were in the distant past?
- No, because in a world so much troubles! I do my small contribution, doing charity work. Say much on this theme – it is a very important. But I see that the interview is over. What can you do ... to continue the conversation next time.
Information is taken from http://www.tele.ru