Chef, Year: 2014, Genre: Comedy

Chef (2014)

«Starting from scratch never tasted so good»

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  • Premiere:
    28 April 2014
  • Actors:
    Jon Favreau, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, etc.
  • Director:
    Jon Favreau
  • Script:
    Jon Favreau
  • Producer:
    Molly Allen, John Bartnicki, Marina Bespalov
  • Operator:
    Kramer Morgenthau
  • Design:
    Denise Pizzini, Alicia Maccarone, Laura Jean Shannon
  • Editor:
    Robert Leighton
  • Duration:
    115 minutes
When a person loses his beloved job, and has family problems…the best solution is to organize a network of eateries on wheels to find culinary inspiration improve relations with the family.

Trailers Chef