Enigma Information page

Electronic music bands 7858.2
Enigma Enigma
Account in the directory: Legends

Lord Help Us Please

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An original composition by me, Anthony Thomas Gonzales. It is a prayer to God. I have music for this as well, and more lyrics than allowed for in the 2 min limit. Consider this a rough draft. It sounds better with some compression and a bit of reverb. It's not published yet, but all rights/copyrights reserved and you heard it here first! I hope MC can use something from this. It would be an honor.

(This video has been submitted by a user as part of Enigma's fan event "Social Song". We are not liable for the content.)


After all these days and all these years, I know that I've been blind
Won't you please come help me, please come save me...Father!!!

I know that I'm always so unworthy of all of your love.
Won't you please come help me, please come save me...Father!!!

Oh, oh!

Lord help us please, where can we go...
We need you here in our lives. help us Lord!

After all of this time, help us before it's too late
Lord I know the time is coming when we must face your gates...in Heaven!


Won't you please come help us, please come save us...Father!

I know that we're all so unworthy of all of the love that you show,
Please come and help us , please come save us...Father!!!

Oh, oh!

I want to be some one who's worthy!

I've been so blind! ..... Oh, oh!

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