In the sky (lyric)

Well she’s alone with her lover
They ate fruits they drank wine and they laid
On a big wide couch of her mother
Covered up by with wool of a cats
She’s making love
And keeping her head in the sky
Well her future is so far
But for now the presence so soft
The time’s burning heels and pushing toward
To close shades, cupboards and a door
She doesn’t like being sober
Day light makes her feel bad
Moon light, whiskey with soda
Worming up and throw in a bed
They ate fruits they drank wine and they laid
On a big wide couch of her mother
Covered up by with wool of a cats
She’s making love
And keeping her head in the sky
Well her future is so far
But for now the presence so soft
The time’s burning heels and pushing toward
To close shades, cupboards and a door
She doesn’t like being sober
Day light makes her feel bad
Moon light, whiskey with soda
Worming up and throw in a bed