Film Disaster Map

When MAP was creating were analyzed 189 films (project authors note that their study is not exhaustive). The most seriously injured city was found New York. It endured 35 ‘film attacks’. Most often, the city was attacked by the giant monsters. The second place occupies Los Angeles (34 attacks), the third – San Francisco (21 attacks).
Authors of the project identified ten different types of cinematic disasters. In particular, we are talking about giant monsters (Godzilla, King Kong), the beings close to reality (as, for example, in "Jaws" of Steven Spielberg and "The Birds" filmed by Alfred Hitchcock), extreme weather conditions, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, infections and viruses, terrorist attacks and the use of nuclear weapons, alien invasion, meteorites and battles involving superheroes.
As separate item was mentioned whirlwind of sharks that hit Los Angeles in the movie «Sharknado».