Kim Basinger as always so hot and elegant

She is the star, icon of beauty and femininity, elegance and sexiness. And now Kim Besinger remains for us all the same. How she does it? Probably if a person is not old with soul - his/her body is always young too. Charming Kim spoke about the shooting in the new movie “GRUDGE MATCH” and her secret passion skydiving.
Interviewer: Kim, how did you celebrated your Birthday?
Kim Basinger: I celebrated very quiet and peaceful. I've never been a lover of noisy parties. And even do not like receive gifts. To give them – is more nice. And receive them, then open when all people see it – no, this show is not for me. I do not like being in the spotlight. I remember when I was little, my mother gave me the gift for birthday, and to open it, I ran to my room. And with age, little has changed. Friends from time to time arranged parties on various occasions, I 'll stay a while and then run to a neighbor's house. I am a demure! (Laughs)
Interviewer: Oh wow... we watched your new film – “Grudge Match” where Sylvester Stallone and Robert De Niro played two former boxers who come to fight to resolve the conflict, which ran for thirty years. And you – “love interest” of both ... What attracted you to this role?
Kim Basinger: I've been looking for an opportunity to play in a good comedy. And when I read the script, I thought that there is a great chance of success.
Interviewer: Stallone has played famous boxer in “Rocky”, De Niro – in the cult Scorsese's film “Raging Bull”. And did your heroine recalle some of your former roles?
Kim Basinger: Probably not. But my heroine is a bit like me. Sally is a single mother. She has a strong character and willpower. I think in this we are similar. She is not afraid to fight for the love of her life and hopes for happiness.
Interviewer: Your character in youth plays your daughter Ireland. It seems to be her first film?
Kim Basinger: Yes, of course she was very nervous. She was invited in different projects many times. But this film is the first one that she was interested in. Peter Segal first told me about this opportunity, and I talked to my daughter. And she replied: “Well, I agree”. And what exactly I will need to do?”.
I remember her first day of filming in New Orleans. I shot in my scenes and was ready to help her. She needed a moral support. My daughter had five or six different outfits to choose from, and she could not decide what to wear. So panicked that just scatters clothes around, trying to find something suitable, “Suddenly, I'll be horrible in this look and they will not allow me to shoot?” I reassured her: “Do not worry. Breathe deeply. Come and listen to Peter. He knows what kind of image for his character he wants!” And my speech helped! But Ireland held my hand up to the moment when the director said, “Action!”. And at the end of the day she radiated confidence, as if she worked in this business for twenty years. It was interesting watching her! (Laughs)
Interviewer: Island is also taking first steps in the modeling career?
Kim Basinger: Yes! And she recently signed a contract with one agency. I 'm glad she's trying her hand in that direction. Even when Island was a little girl, all noticed her beautiful external data. And asked : “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And Ireland replied: “I want to be myself.” So she is busy with the case. (Laughs) And I fully support her. I do not want she then ever regretted of lost opportunities. She also has a literary talent. Ireland writes wonderful.
Interviewer: Model world is quite dangerous. Did you warn her about this?
Kim Basinger: Of course. Ireland, like the rest of today's young people, actively uses “Twitter” and “Instagram”. And there were times when people wanted to take her pictures, not having any rights. Just to put on a completely different website. Kind of madness with this internet! So she and her boyfriend, with whom they live together, have a lot of problems because of such detractors. Photographers pursuing her.
Interviewer: And where her boyfriend works?
Kim Basinger: He is professionally engaged in SUP-surfing. Have you heard about this? This is a new kind of surfing, invented in Hawaii. A man stands on the board and rowing wit an oar. Looks very cool! A friend of my daughter even participates in international competitions.
Interviewer: Do you use social networks?
Kim Basinger: No. But I often think about how to get started. After all, this is a wonderful way to tell many people about things that are really important. For example, so you can help protect the environment and animals. But what exactly will never do is to engage in self-promotion, display my own photos and make sites for self-promotion!
Interviewer: Stallone said in a recent interview that if you see a happy actor, know he is crappy actor. Do you agree with him?
Kim Basinger: Oh, his typical humor . “You have to feel the pain! La la la la...” (Laughs) I 'll say the following: the actors – are the same people, just like you. We too have ups and downs, suffering and setbacks.There are people who live and remember past failures. And accordingly, they are unhappy. And there are others who are not afraid to try again and again. Yes, Stallone, of course, a lover of strong cues. But this is his sense of humor (Laughs).
Interviewer: Robert De Niro also gave an unusual comment. He said that with age often feel yourself as invisible. No one notices old people...
Kim Basinger: It is strange to hear that from him. On the other hand, a very honest confession. After all, who says he does not think about age, lying. Another thing that you do not need to dwell on it. Look at De Niro. Yeah, he's not a boy anymore. But how much has made and continues to engage in so many things – shooting in films, leads to a successful restaurant business, he is the one of the founders of the annual film festival in New York “Tribeca”! And he is now happy and relaxed. And he says : “I was very lucky in my life.” So I'm also very lucky. Despite we have different lifestyles. When Bob goes to his restaurant, I jump with a parachute (Laughs).
Interviewer: Are you not scary to do it?
Kim Basinger: No, it's so funny that really turn my head. Try it! There was a time when I was afraid of all – height, myself, of life. And I could not live without antidepressants no day. I had panic attacks, I suffered from agoraphobia (fear of open spaces). And of course, divorce with Alec Baldwin had a very negative impact on my health and psyche. It was a difficult time. But all in the past! Now I enjoy life every day. And I do not need any pills for this. Life is beautiful in itself!
Interviewer: You look just awesome! May we ask you how you do it and what is the secret?
Kim Basinger: Thank you, my dear... The secret is simple – let go of all the pain and negative energy. Yes, I'm allergic to the sun, and I always use sunscreen, yes, I go in for sports, yes, I do a lot of things. But the thing that can help maintain the appearance and health – is an inner harmony. I know many people who for years kept a some resentment, anger, irritation, waiting for revenge... And it ended with serious health problems. So let go of the bad, be positive – and I promise your life will surely come a miracle and joy!
Interviewer: And how do you learn to be positive? What do you do for this?
Kim Basinger: I admit, it's not so simple. I meditate a lot. I sit in silence and do not even give my thoughts to break it. It is here now with you I talk a lot, but in everyday life I do not particularly talkative. You must meditate and, of course, sincerely wish all good people around. And even those who once caused you pain and suffering. It sounds corny, but it's true. Think what good in negative thoughts? They keep you in a cage. And do not allow you to live and enjoy. I advise everyone to try to remove them and you become a different person – beautiful, soulful!
Interviewer: You have a successful career and future plans. Interestingly, who you like or maybe who remind you when you was the young from the budding actresses?
Kim Basinger: There are so many talented young actresses. But Scarlett Johansson, I think apart from the competition! Brilliant actress and a sweet person. And much more sexy babe can not be imagined! (Laughs)
Interviewer: Your fans will be so glad to see you in the new movie! Now you do not often act in films...
Kim Basinger: In the past year I have starred in five films. The “Grudge match” first goes to rent. In general, yes, I really did not starred in recent years. And did it deliberately. I wanted to spend with my daughter as much time as possible at least until her 18th birthday. It's the most important period in the development of personality. And I did not want to miss a day of this journey. Yes, she has a daddy – Alec Baldwin. But he lives far away from us. So it was so important to be present at every volleyball match of my daughter, listen to all of her experiences, comfort her, when occurred mini-drama of adolescence, to chat with her friends. And it was so much fun! Role of a mother – the most important role in my life. Ireland now lives separately from me. And so I can work as I want. Can play in comedies and tragedies depict men or donkeys – all the same! (Laughs) And, of course, I can devoted more time what I want and try what I dreamed about.
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