Vysotskiy Raymon Vysotskiy

DJ Techno 0.3

Vysotskiy - Vysotskiy - When she sleeps (2012)

Vysotskiy - Vysotskiy - When she sleeps
Gert Records
Дата записи:
05 October 2012
Дата добавления:
05 October 2012
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1277 386
track Deep House
2.37 MB

Описание / Треклист:

Silently and slowly night fell, shrouding the fussy city black the plashchy. Gradually fires in inhabited quarters, one by one, started to die away. Still, where - that on areas, sounds and shouts of people were audible, but these sounds were only an echo of the parallel worlds. They calmed down, as if ghosts, having thawed in a gloom. The daughter washing sleeps, nobody broke silences bustle, disputes and cheerful flood. Silence which absorbs time and space. Silence, which satellite gloom. And in this gloom absolutely new sounds, new harmony are born...

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