Directory legendary music Rock Bands, country: United States

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Account in the directory: Legends

#1 — Aerosmith

United States, Boston
Popularity: 15286.9
Account in the directory: Legends

#2 — Metallica

United States, New York
Popularity: 17125.6
Mötley Crüe
Account in the directory: Legends

#3 — Mötley Crüe

United States, New York
Popularity: 10203.2
Account in the directory: Legends

#4 — Nirvana

United States, New York
Popularity: 14916.1
No Doubt
Account in the directory: Legends

#5 — No Doubt

United States, Anaheim
Popularity: 10901
The Doors
Account in the directory: Legends

#6 — The Doors

United States, New York
Popularity: 11592.5