Industry Thursdays

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Industry Thursdays

Haze’s Thursday night industry party always leads the way to the weekend with thrilling parties, top-notch artist performances, and the best in dance music from Resident DJ Scene. Celebrate “La Vida Vegas” with top industry insiders and locals in the know at Aria’s signature nightclub destination.

DJ Scene

It’s easy to delineate most deejays into certain categories: The scratch-happy battle types, the commercially-minded radio guys, the shaman leading his flock at the club with a steady barrage of anthems. Scene is the rare person who has done all of the above, as well as produce his own music just as adeptly as spinning someone else’s. The Seattle-bred musician has spent most of his time mastering every facet of deejaying. With residencies at some of the top clubs across the nation, a podcast series that reaches 350,000+ subscribers, a weekly radio show and a string of classic mixes under his belt, Scene has become one of the most sought-after deejays in the country.

Enthralled by the grunge era that would dominate his city in the 1990s, Scene started as a drummer for various local rock bands, groups long on talent but not exactly warm to Scene’s other love: turntables. Listening to a lot of hip-hop Tribe Called Quest, Wu-Tang Scene wanted to add scratching as another percussive element, but the bands all vetoed the idea. He eventually decided to become a one-man band.

Shifting his musical focus from drums to decks, the fledgling deejay became obsessed with his newfound instrument, playing house parties anywhere he could while simultaneously perfecting his skills as a battle deejay. After watching Roc Raida win the DMC Championship in 1995, he saw a whole new level his craft had achieved. In 2002, Scene won the Northwest DMC Championship.



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