Bedroom Bedlam is a friendly vareity show always searching for mixes to stream on Proton Radio. Privileged to support mixing talent and promote the underground scene within the community, the weekly 3 hour spot thrives solely on mixes from DJ/Producers around the globe.
So with a bit of nostalgia comes the name Bedroom Bedlam, formerly the annual underexposed DJ contest put forth by the now defunct and out of print Muzik Magazine. The competition exposed the likes of Steve Gerrard and James Zabiela.
You can discover brand new mixes and sounds every Friday - 9:P PST, 11:P CST // Saturday 12:A EST, 5:A GMT ... Featuring the best and brightest mixes that our inbox receives.
Submit to the show and toss your hat into the ring, contact **Bedroom Bedlam is not genre specific, but the freshest sounds are highly encouraged **
