Trentemøller Information page Anders Trentemoller

Big Room / Electronica / Downtempo Sound producers 9641.7
Trentemøller Trentemøller Trentemøller Trentemøller Trentemøller
Artist in the catalog: Stars

Trentemøller: Gravity (official video)

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The new single from Trentemøller's new album ,Lost':

'Gravity' features Jana Hunter of Lower Dens.

Video credits:

Directors: Tue Walin Storm, Elvira Lind
Producer: Jeremy Chilvers
Production Company: The Kompany Entertainment
Cinematographer: Vasco Nunes, Mike Parry
Production Design: Elizabeth Burbach
Editors: Mathias Nyholm Schmidt, Mette Ohlendorff, Tue Walin Storm
Production Assistant: Joshua Talley
Grips: Alfredo Denila, Seth Greenwald
Grader: Frederik Bokkenheuser

Mr Carpool: Oscar Isaac

Peggy Schnitzer, Max Minghella, Charley Rossman, Kristina Korsholm, Claire Ross-Brown, Michael Q. Schmidt, Wendy Jean Wilkins, Firas Alkhazaali,David Schroeder, Seth Greenwald, Xiaoyin Liu, Ben Blenkle, Greta Knox, Rigo Obezo, Noe the Gardner

Joshua Pena-Mata

Thank you for your help: Stella Shirinda, Max Minghella, DJ Cotrona

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