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Thirty Seconds to Mars Thirty Seconds to Mars
Artist in the catalog: Stars

THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS - City Of Angels (Lyric Video)

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Thirty Seconds to Mars

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A Message from JARED LETO:
Someone once said..."Work is the bridge between dreams and reality". So just be warned: if you have big dreams be ready for a ton of work.
So there we were. Deadline city. Once again. A lyric video was needed. We were way past deadline and without any real options in sight. We were getting desperate. Having just finished Do Or Die and already shooting / editing City Of Angels there wasn't much time to get one in order. Esp one worthy to share with you all. So I said F*ck it, grabbed my camera, went up to the hills of Hollywood and shot. We came back with this. Its mostly one take, a couple cut aways. But very simple overall and sometimes that's for the best.
This footage will definitely be a part of the short film for City Of Angels. So, its a taste of things to come.
We got really lucky with some incredibly gorgeous light and maybe some magic from an Owl that kept us company during shooting. If u look close you can even see him fly right by me.
Really nice to be able to share such a beautiful sunset with you all.
Stay tuned for the short film coming #soon...

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