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Way of the Dogg: Gameplay Trailer - Available now on Xbox Live!

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Snoop Dogg

Today, Snoop Dogg (aka Snoop Lion) releases his new video game Way of the Dogg, on Xbox Live as an arcade game for the Xbox 360!

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Inspired by Snoop's love of old school Kung Fu movies, Way of the Dogg features 20 levels of intense beat matching combat set to classic Snoop Dogg hits, including "Who am I (What's My Name)," "Gz and Hustlas," "From Tha Chuuch To Da Palace," and more! Way of the Dogg follows the story of "America Jones" -- the toughest street fighter in town, whose two great passions are the fight and his love, Sierra -- but when Sierra is taken from him, AJ must step up and take his fighting to a whole new level under the watchful eye of Master Snoop and learn the "Way of the Dogg."

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