Rihanna Information page Robyn Rihanna Fenty

Hip-Hop / RnB artists 17351.7
Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna
Artist in the catalog: Stars

BTS: "Nude by Rihanna" Shoot

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Check out this behind the scenes footage of Rihanna during the shoot for her new fragrance, Nude by Rihanna.

Nude by Rihanna is available for purchase at Macy's nationwide today. The fragrance will be available at additional retailers beginning February 2013.

Get Rihanna's new album, Unapologetic, today! http://smarturl.it/UnapologeticDlx

Tickets for Rihanna's Diamonds World Tour are on sale now. Check here to see when she will be in your city: www.rihannanow.com/live/

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