DJ, producer, arranger, composer, designer of club projects! It is also known under name Pleasure D!
The designer of the club Saint Louis project which has opened in
October of 2011 in St. Petersburg!
- sound
- design and embodiment of
club projects
- development of a club
- supply of equipment for
- development of the
concept of night club
- development of the
concept of positioning
- club
- advance of clubs
- organization and carrying
out fashion actions
- booking
He is the creator of STAR Productions
studio in Moscow.
Since 2009 goes to
operation with actors of Furma prod. C 2010 - the active
involvement in OST MEDIA in quality a sound of the producer. Since
2011 - cooperation with Star Productions studio in Canada! Same
year in August signs the contract with Lasermoon
At our studios Star
Productions (Moscow – Canada) and Furma worked with such people as:
Maria Skobeleva, Julia Marks, Sophie Strong, A-Sen, Price, Grey,
Sonia Saafi, Alexandra Vaikess, ANDREJ PATRMAN, COLIN RAININGER,
UZAO, Sasha Zosimova, Nikita. Annually we publish collections Fuрма
prod. with our R&B, Hip-hop, Pop performers.
Designer of such club
projects as: Моtel Сlub (St. Petersburg), China Town Cafe (Moscow),
BLACKOUT (St. - Petersburg), SAINT LOUIS (St.
As DJ acted in Russia,
Belarus, Thailand, China, France, Germany.
The organizer of club
actions in Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg! Project
participant: Battery Fly (BF & Re.Proekt), Furma
About the project P.L.E.S.K.I.
Two Producers (Pleasure D feat. Yavorovskiy) From Russia Come To Muziek Colours To Share With Us Some Good Music. Each of them presents the scandalous personality. It's perfect combination of the madman and creator.This many-sided project, which don't stop on something one.
P.L.E.S.K.I. says:
"All of them
discuss our acts,
They show canines, but we
are unavailable to them
Simply we go forward, to us
not to their hearings"
"On what we spent, we won't
all everything for the sake
of case,but for the sake of the amount"
MUZIEK COLOURS LTD said about your residents: "We Can Wait From Them A Big & Great Work"
Their sets submit each emotion with a special shade which allow to experience a unification of elements of music to depth. Not without reason sources of creative development have a springboard of styles: Trance, Techno, Electro Progressive. Imposing these directions, they gradually left on qualitatively new level, incorporating in the music of sets about subgenres, thereby opening ambiguity of styles.
Services of our studios (Услуги наших студий звукoзaписи)
- Creation, record of songs from a zero, to write
down a song «turnkey» (Сoздaниe, зaпись пeсeн с нуля,
зaписaть пeсню «пoд ключ»)
- Audio Recording, arrangement, taking of song and
any musical material (Звукoзaпись, aрaнжирoвкa, свeдeниe
пeсни и любoгo музыкaльнoгo мaтeриaлa)
- Mastering, bringing in of arrangers, bek
vocalists, musicians, worked in any styles
(Мастеринг, привлeчeниe aрaнжирoвщикoв, бeк
вoкaлистoв, музыкaнтoв, рaбoтaющиx в любыx стиляx)
- Record of vocal (Зaпись вoкaлa)
- Producing an image, search of style of future
performer. Creation of material under a performer (Сoздaниe
имиджa, пoиск стиля будущeгo испoлнитeля. Сoздaниe мaтeриaлa пoд
- Producing of performers and musicians
(Прoдюссирoвaниe испoлнитeлeй и музыкaнтoв)
Special offers for performers: (the contract on
record and mixing not less than 10 songs) Специальные
предложения для исполнителей: (контракт на запись и сведение
не менее 10 песен.)
- To register
- Album
creation at the special prices (Создание альбома по
специальным ценам)
- Creation bonus of tracks at the special
prices (Создание бонус треков по специальным
- Creation of remixes at the special prices
(Создание ремиксов по специальным ценам)
- Free consultations on an external material
(Бесплатные консультации по внешнему материалу)
- Indicative record (показательная
- Remixing of an external musical material with the
subsequent mastering (Пересведение внешнего музыкального
материала с последующим мастерингом)
- Resemplire of arrangements (near existence of a
mussel of tracks) for improvement of sounding of a
soundtrack (Ресэмплирование аранжировок (возле наличии миди
треков) для улучшения звучания фонограммы)
Special offers for institutions! (Специальные предложения для работающих заведений)
• Design of night institutions
(Дизайн-проектирование ночных заведений)
• Development of the concept of positioning
(Разработка концепции позиционирования)
• Club consulting (Клубный
• Carrying out image actions (Проведение
имиджевых мероприятий)
• Booking of artists (Букинг
• Advance of clubs (promotion) ( Продвижение
• Production of advertizing (Производство
рекламной продукции)
• Development of club brand (Разработка клубного
Booking: +79644310472
Cooperation and organization of performances :