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Rap artists 15182.5
Pharrell Williams Pharrell Williams Pharrell Williams
Artist in the catalog: Stars

Creative Growth - Gerone Spruill - Chocolate City

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Pharrell Williams

Creative Growth artist Gerone Spruill is an aspiring DJ with an encyclopedic music collection. His street-smart graphic sensibility illuminates his work. His prismacolor and ink drawings take the form of extensive, if not epic comic book narratives that chronicle the misadventures of his characters, memorably coifed and infinitely cool, as they cruise Chocolate City in pursuit of rap stardom and other kinds of "satisfaction." Gerone's work occupies a never-never land of eternal youthful optimism, where fantasy and desire are, with a little perseverance, ultimately within reach.

Watch the short movie 'Choco Walkin' by Gerone Spruill here:

Created by Cheryl Dunn and brought to you in conjunction with ALLDAYEVERYDAY and i am OTHER. For more information about Creative Growth visit

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i am OTHER:
Executive Producer - Pharrell Williams
General Manager - Caron Veazey
Creative Director - Mimi Valdés
Executive Producer - Robin Frank 
Associate Producer - Bethany Gould
Assistant Producer - Alexandra DePersia
Digital Marketing - Aviva Yael

i am OTHER Motion Graphics by Syndrome

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