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Pharrell Williams Pharrell Williams Pharrell Williams
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OTHERS by Hypebeast - Cyrcle

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Pharrell Williams

LA-based art collective Cyrcle. blur the lines of the contemporary art world through street campaigns, design, fine art, murals, and collaborations. In their second solo show "Organized Chaos!" the artists created interactive puzzles and artworks that play on the metaphor between bees and flowers to "illuminate the symbiosis between art and society."

Watch more OTHERS by Hypebeast here:

Street Art vs. Illegal Billboards with Cyrcle

Directed, Shot & Edited: Theonepointeight
Executive Producer: Coleen Haynes

Music: UNKLE: Country Tune (feat. Gavin Clark)
The Answer EP (Surrender All)

"ORGANIZED CHAOS!" Exhibition:

-Produced by: Fatima Robinson & Rhea Scott.
In Association with Black Dog Films.

- Co-Producer: Mike Russek
Fabrication: 1028 Designs

- Design / Build & Gallery Space: Hunter Leggitt Design Studio

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i am OTHER:
Executive Producer - Pharrell Williams
General Manager - Caron Veazey
Creative Director - Mimi Valdés
Executive Producer - Robin Frank
Producer - Bethany Gould
Assistant Producer - Alexandra DePersia
Digital Marketing - Aviva Yael

i am OTHER Motion Graphics by Syndrome

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