Enigma Information page

Electronic music bands 7858.2
Enigma Enigma
Account in the directory: Legends

Enigma Social song-Hiden Moon.

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Well, I believe this is my fourth submition, and as you will see on te video, in the end I'll sing the song for my first submition, because I think now it'd sound a lil better.

(This video has been submitted by a user as part of Enigma's fan event "Social Song". We are not liable for the content.)

Lyrics to the firsts song on this video:

The sky seems lonely, and so do your eyes.
The air dance cold and sharp but
Tonight there's a star.

And the heat of our souls
is coming through our hands.

You can touch my bare heart , shine your hiden moon in my eyes.

Stop your thinking,
Get ready to fly.

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