Lena Katina Information page ex tATu

Pop artists 7922.7
Лена Катина Лена Катина Лена Катина
Artist in the catalog: Stars


Added video 18 February 2014 05:00 Обращение Лены Катиной к поклонникам (18.02.14)

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Added video 03 October 2013 15:44 Lena Katina - Lift Me Up (Official Video)

Lena Katina's new single "Lift Me Up" is now available on iTunes!
Keep up with Lena on Facebook: http://bit.ly/LenaKatinaFB

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Added video 17 September 2013 16:25 Lift me up video trailer 2

This is the second in a series of trailers for Lena's upcoming single "Lift me up" to be released on September 24th on iTunes and all major online...

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Added video 13 September 2013 22:18 Lift me up video trailer 1

This is the first in a series of trailers for Lena's upcoming single "Lift me up" to be released on September 24th on iTunes and all major online...

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Added video 16 August 2013 06:23 Lena announces the fanweekend in Cologne, Germany, October 5/6 2013

Lena announce the campaign for her European fan weekend.
Get your tickets and goodies here:

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Added video 01 June 2013 22:59 Sergio Galoyan ft. Lena Katina - Paradise (GeRich Dubstep Remix)

℗ Sergio Galoyan
Remix by GeRich
Filmed by Sveta Lenina, Alexey Belov, Sergey Tkachenko
in Central Station MSK
Video edit by Sergey nfne@ya.ru

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Added video 30 April 2013 18:18 Партийная Зона МУЗ ТВ

Приглашаем всех на наше выступление в Партийной Зоне Муз ТВ )))

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Added video 30 November 2012 13:40 Однажды с... Леной Катиной / Once upon a time with... Lena Katina

Телеканал "Время" (Первый Канал Всемирная Сеть) ноябрь 2012
Time TV Channel (Channel One Global Network) November 2012
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Added video 04 October 2012 11:11 Happy Birthday Lena! / 2012 /

Today is Lena's 28th birthday! Fans from all over the world created this amazing video for our beautiful redhead!
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Added photo 21 March 2014 10:46

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Added video 23 October 2013 18:40 Lena's Birthday Video 2013

Here is the 2013 birthday video from my fans.
A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated!!!
Edited by Christina Muzio

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Added video 24 September 2013 11:43 Lift me up video trailer 3

This is the last in a series of trailers for Lena's upcoming single "Lift me up" to be released on September 24th on iTunes and all major online...

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Added video 16 September 2013 08:21 Message for my fans

Hi, we're getting close to our shows in Cologne on October 5/6.
Thanks to everyone who already got their tickets, we can't wait to see you all!!

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Added video 25 August 2013 09:17 Message about the Cologne Fan Weekend

Lena will have her European solo debut in Cologne October 5/6 2013. You can buy your tickets, packages and merch here:

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Added video 07 August 2013 21:05 Get your tickets for Sao Paulo

Hi guys, get your tickets to see Lena at Hangar 110 in Sao Paulo, Brazil!

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Added video 06 May 2013 17:22 Репетиция к Партийной Зоне Муз-ТВ Partiynaya Zona Rehearsal )))

Репа-это всегда весело и интересно! Надеюсь, вам понравится!
Спасибо nfne за съёмку! )))

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Added video 28 March 2013 06:26 Lena StageIt Show Announcement Apr 14 2013


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Added video 24 October 2012 17:00 Sergio Galoyan feat. Lena Katina - Paradise

Reach out and touch the Paradise!
Listen & watch Sergio Galoyan feat. Lena Katina in the lyrics-video 'Paradise'.
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Added video 14 May 2012 08:03 Lena Katina's appearance in "Тайн.net" ("No secrets") / MТV Russia

MТV congratulates Lena on #1 record @Billboard Dance/Club chart!
Get Lena's hit track at http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/never-forget/id500490800

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