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Дима Билан Дима Билан Дима Билан
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Dima Bilan at Infomania [ENG SUB] Скоро появится виртуальный секс

Дима Билан

Выпуск 178. 18.05.11 ЛЮБОВЬ: Молодёжь устала от секса

'Infomania' - is the info-analytical program in 'infotainment' gеnre, which is produced by Apostol Media Group http://www.infomaniya.ru/
Dima Bilan is one of its editors-in-large.

Dima Bilan: A virtual sex will appear very soon.
Why are we so surprised? We say that people are tired of sex. And why should we have sex if a virtual one will appear very soon? You just buy glasses and put diodes all over your body. Then internet-communication and net games exist. New 'Mortal Combat' came out. There is no time for this 'stupidity'. And there are a lot of factors that have influence on it. And one of them, as it seems to me, is the fall of age qualification of people's self-determination. Being involved in profession and trying to enrich your life it's easy to forget about this 'joy'.

Thanks for translation to Just Lesya

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