5 Seconds of Summer Information page

Rock bands 13845.6
5 Seconds of Summer 5 Seconds of Summer
Artist in the catalog: Stars

Just the way you are - Bruno mars ;)

Added by:
5 Seconds of Summer

go follow my bands twitter and fb !

Download 'Out of My Limit' now on iTunes:

Pre-Order the 'Somewhere New' EP (released 7 Dec):
iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/au/album/somewhere-new-ep/id579411999
Online Store - http://store.weareunified.com/category/other/5-seconds-of-summer/somewhere-new/

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/5secondsofsummer
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/5SOS
WEBSITE: http://www.5secondsofsummer.com

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