MC Serkoff Artem Serkov

MC 0.2


Added video 09 January 2014 19:13 Winter party in night club "BANANAS" with MC Serkoff

Night club: BANANAS
-Onderkoffer - Christmas Special
-Meaux Green & Pаrty...

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Uploaded audio 27 December 2013 11:12 MC Serkoff - Serkoff-talk that dirty

MC Serkoff - Serkoff-talk that dirty
463 167 track 144.22 MB

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Added video 15 December 2013 10:54 Dj T'Paul MC Serkoff РЦ Бермуды 14.12.13 часть 2

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Uploaded audio 12 December 2013 21:58 MC Serkoff - Mr.Serkoff vs. Dj Harry Vander

MC Serkoff - Mr.Serkoff vs. Dj Harry Vander
594 202 live 46.99 MB

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Uploaded audio 27 December 2013 14:06 MC Serkoff - Deep emotion 2

MC Serkoff - Deep emotion 2
527 188 mix 33.66 MB

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Uploaded audio 27 December 2013 11:05 MC Serkoff - Serkoff-clap like this

MC Serkoff - Serkoff-clap like this
523 231 mix 130.00 MB

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Added video 15 December 2013 18:57 Dj T'Paul MC Serkoff РЦ Бермуды 14.12.13 часть 3

Dj T'Paul (Live Sax) @ РЦ "Бермуды" (Горловка)

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Added video 15 December 2013 10:42 Dj T'Paul MC Serkoff РЦ Бермуды 14.12.13

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