"Forbes" magazine named the highest paid singers in 2014

Financial magazine "Forbes" estimated earnings of the most popular singers for the last 12 months.
First place was taken by BEYONCE!!!!!!!! She has filled his bank account at $ 115 million. The journalists decided to recall the quote of the singer 5 years ago, when she said, that "like all the others, you have to work a lot, if you want to succeed and get the approval of friends."
Second place goes to Taylor Swift ($ 64 million), and the third one closes Pink ($ 52 million).
Rihanna and Katy Perry are located on the fourth and fifth places,
while LadyGaga and Britney Spears occupied the 9th and 10th positions.
10 Highest Paid Singers in 2014:
Beyonce - $ 115 million
Taylor Swift - $ 64 million
Pink - $ 52 million
Rihanna - $ 48 million
Katy Perry - $ 40 million
Jennifer Lopez - $ 37 million
Miley Cyrus - $ 36 million
Celine Dion - $ 36 million
Lady Gaga - $ 33 million
Britney Spears - $ 30 million