"Head" of Freddy Krueger is auctioned

A full set of facial make-up of Freddy Krueger, created by Robert Kurtzman, put up for auction.
The mask was composed of several pieces of rubber mask that was applied to the face and head of the actor Robert Englund. The last time he appeared in the cult makeup of villain from the film series "Nightmare on Elm Street" on August 8, 2014 during the festival Flashback Weekend Chicago Horror Convention.
Robert Kurtzman and Robert Englund left their autographs on the mast. So, it is expected, that all funds from the rare thing will be donated to Midway Drive-In Digital Projector.
Bidding will end on August 19, 2014. Take part in them can only residents of the continental United States. Recall, that Robert Englund played Kruger last time in the film "Freddy vs. Jason" in 2003.