Nicki Minaj broke the record of Michael Jackson

Nicki Minaj broke the record of Michael Jackson by the number of songs that were on the charts "Billboard Hot 100". Her single "Anaconda" debuted this week at 19 position, and was already the 51st composition, having been in the hit list.
Hip-hop singer managed to get around the King of Pop music just with one single more: currently in the arsenal of Jackson - 50 songs.
Interesting thing, that Nicki is a lead singer in only 20 her songs from 51. But Michael was the main singer in all of his 50 singles.
Recall, that first time Nicki Minaj made her debut on "Billboard Hot 100" in February 2010. She has appeared on the charts thanks to the participation in the recording of the song from Lil Wayne "Knockout". First solo track for Minaj in the hit parade was the composition "Your Love", released four months later.