World exclusive interview with legendary Arthur Baker

Reporter: Arthur Baker, where in the world are you today?
Arthur: In London W2 sitting on the porch checking out a new Scales Remix of No Price With My Cats. On the way east in a bit…
Reporter: ”A summer No. 1 waiting to happen”…” a solid gold disco belter”…”imagine seeing this performed live” – just three of the comments concerning your new ‘No Price’ tune under the Slam Dunk’d moniker. We loved the ‘who the hell is?’ mystery when Annie Mac first aired this in March – she guessed Armand Van Helden! So Mr Baker, why all the mystery?
Arthur: Well after having it in the can for quite a few years me and the New State team - who are administrating my new Baked label, figured it might be better not to say it was me at first. More for age-ist reasons really, wanted it to make or break by the music and not my past history...see how well that worked, haha.
Reporter: Check the tune out here...
Reporter: And are the rumours true – the tune started life in 1979 and only recently unearthed and brought up to date?
Arthur: All true, started off as part of a project executive produced by Howard Smiley, who had been a VP at TK Records for London Records USA funnily enough. I found a quarter inch tape of a great rough mix about 5 years ago or so and Al P and I have been procrastinating over it since then!
Reporter: Wowzer. What can you tell us about the remix package coming out – we hear Armand is on board?
Arthur: Yes Armand is on board, I played it to him in Miami where we both spend the winters and he immediately loved it and had done remix ideas. We have some other great remixes, the Jaxxon one being the one I see as taking it across to the more "ahem" EDM side of things.
Reporter: And in answer to the live comment…will there be live shows and future releases?
Arthur: Yes I'm putting together a small group for live stuff, with Lewis, the visualist who works with Soulwax/2many djs providing the visuals.
Reporter: You have been in and out of Ibiza all summer hanging out and DJing. A load of great nights here this year, some are saying they are cancelling each other out with nobody really running away with it numbers wise? Where have you enjoyed so far this year, you feeling the island in 2014?
Arthur: Can't say I made it out much during my first trip - was there with my wife and newborn baby so there weren’t many club nights rolling then. Always enjoy the vibe at dc10 on Mondays and Wednesdays, reminds me of the NYC club The Funhouse - unfortunately not much room to do any break dancing though!
Reporter: What one song always reminds you of the white isle?
Arthur: Azari ‘Hungry For The Power’ - Jamie Jones Mix, today.
Reporter: Coachella also felt the Baker presence earlier this year…man, you can’t open a celebrity mag without seeing some famous dude pictured there. It's the new Oscars! Thoughts on it…
Arthur: I wasn't happy at Coachella this year since I was treated pretty shabbily by the management after having earlier in the year done a great interview for the doc they are filming. My friends from Mogwai sorted me out but left a bad taste, I'd have to say...they're more interested in shmoozing LA ‘it’ girls then taking care of music makers.
Reporter: A quote from Faithless's Sister Bliss this week…"I think people will become bored with the stock crude generic sounds of EDM and the artists themselves may be somewhat musically bankrupt (David Guetta even admitted as such in a recent interview) as there is only so much touring you can do before it impacts on studio time and having space to think creatively." Thoughts on that?
Arthur: All formulas burn out eventually. But the DJ producers will bore quicker then the audiences – EDM - but others too, because the music really isn't that important to the fans, it the scene and tribe nature of it. And often when someone really identified with a sound and tries something new out of boredom it fails miserably.
Reporter: “Kids always want to be different, but also want to belong to something that they think they have either created or discovered. The commerciality is what is difficult to predict.” – Did you for one minute ever expect your home country to finally embrace dance music in the fashion they have?
Arthur: In a word - nope. But it’s the Internet that has spread it along with the festivals. I didn't see the DJ as Rockstar or MTV succeeding back in the day so what do I know!
Reporter: What is the record that…
…reminds you of your childhood?
Arthur: ’Satisfaction’ by The Stones…
…always get you dancing?
Arthur: ’Love Sensation’ with Dan Hartman and Lolleatta
…reminds you of being broken hearted?
Arthur: Al Green ‘How Do You Mend A Broken Heart’
…you wish you would have made?
Arthur: ’Papa Was A Rolling Stone’ - The Temps
Reporter: Who are some of the great up and coming producers we should be looking out for in the next 12 months?
Arthur: I’m doing my research now! I have some great new guys (to me at least) doing remixes for me on No Price - Jaxxon, Scales, Linden Jay and Wayward all came up with a diverse take on the track...
Reporter: A recent quote from a certain superstar DJ…“I believe true DJing is actually an art, but it’s a dying art, as everyone is pushing the sync button…it’s a real shame when you see a ‘DJ’ plug his laptop in and call this DJing. Music will always evolve but sometimes not in the best way.” What are your thoughts on that?
Arthur: Technology has made many things possible and has made things a lot easier and competitive...the vast majority of kids don’t really care how it’s done.
Reporter: Away from the bright lights of Ibiza, where have some of the other stand out gigs been for you recently?
Arthur: I haven’t been gigging much, working on finishing an album and getting the Slam Dunk'd live show together...last gig was for my friend Tracey Emin’s birthday bash.
Reporter: What will we find on an Arthur Baker rider these days at your gigs?
Arthur: Well, still loving my red wine - either a Rioja, a Malbec or an Amarone.
Reporter: It’s that time again – the DJ Top100 Poll. The best DJs are guys why don’t buy these mags, right?
Arthur: There are too many DJs and genres for a realistic competition. I’d say Larry Levan, Mark Kamins, Frankie Knuckles and Tee Scott.
Reporter: And finally, what is coming out next from you studio wise?
Arthur: Well as I said, working on a Slam Dunk'd album, and other stuff coming on BAKED thru New State - a collaboration track with Mattie Safer - ex of The Rapture singing and a Caged Baby remix. Another secret project with Kaz James, a Paul Young album and some other remixes from my Minimal and Criminal back catalogue…
Twitter: @arthurhbaker
Interview materials: