Prodigy will present new material

The following week, Prodigy is gathered to play fresh material. Artists will present new compositions within the UK festival ‘Sonisphere’. They confirmed, that fresh tracks will be included in a future studio record of the group.
“We will play a couple of new songs - said the group's leader Liam Howlett Digital Spy. - I think that give the listener at the concert too much new music is incorrectly”.
Then Liam added, that the band prepared an updated version of the song "Rottweiler", and this composition the group played once in Russia.
So, what else surprises we can expect – who knows..
Howlett also told about the sixth album of The Prodigy, that it is already recorded, but at the moment the band just finish some little things. The sound will be very cruel, but classic The Prodigy will be also present.
More information on the release is unavailable.