RODARTE Collection with “Star Wars” heroes

This time Rodarte brand decided to include “Star Wars” theme in their new collection. Models in chiffon dresses in the style of the early 80s started the show. And the final part was represented by women dressed in outfits with images of the heroes from “Star Wars” (space saga of George Lucas) – Luke Skywalker, C-3PO robots and R2-D2 and Yoda.
We are very interested in what inspired the designers portray the characters of Star Wars…
Designers said, that when creating their collectio, they were guided by nostalgia – they were seeking something to create such outfits, which they dreamed about in a childhood. And the childhood of Mulleavy sisters – the beginning of the '80s. That is why in their collection we saw bright flowing dresses, slack trousers, lurex and turtleneck sweaters, which were admitted in almost every day and eve outfit.