Simple questions for Great Actor

Now Matthew is starring in many films. It is the time of his carrer's peak. Actor very well succeed dramatic roles – “The Wolf of Wall Street”, “Dallas Buyers Club”. He is really a wonderful actor. It is always very interesting to speak with such talented people.
Reporter: What did you eat for breakfast?
Mathew: Tuna sandwich on toasted bread.
Reporter: Do you have dreams?
Mathew: Yes, and very colorful. Basically they are all about intergalactic espionage.
Are you lead a diary?
Mathew: Yes! I have on a separate diary for each movie, in which I am playing, and every country where I go.
Reporter: How were you ‘discovered’?
Mathew: Incidentally, in the bar.
Reporter: What was your first job?
Mathew: Flatten the sand on 77 areas for golf every day to eight o’clock.
Reporter: Who was the most enjoyable of all, who did you work for?
Mathew: Ron Howard. He's just incredibly generous, patient and sweet man.
Reporter: The wildest thing your fans set you?
Mathew: One girl sent me a bath.
Reporter: Did you have fans, you were afraid of?
Mathew: Yes, I had. For example, one fan that had an unhealthy fixation on me. She wrote me letters, and then she also wrote answers, supposedly from me. In her imagination, we were married and we had two children. At some point, her parents discovered finally her unhealthy internal double life.
Reporter: Do you cook well?
Mathew: Yes. My favorite dish – pull on Sunday from the refrigerator all that is there and build a big mishmash.
Reporter: Is anything that you did not do and regret about it?
Mathew: In the summer 1985, I said to one lady in the administration of Navarre Beach in Florida, I want to work there next year as lifeguard. She never hired anyone other than local, but promised to stake one place for me, if I go back on June 1, after a year, and go out to work. I said I'd be back. By next summer I was doing some other things and lazy thinking if I should really go to Florida just because I promised. May was over, and I continued to fool around and told myself, surely that woman forgot about me…and I should not feel guilty. Well, nowhere in the end did not go. I always regretted that did not give her time to know that I will not come to work for summer. Deep in my heart I know that she was waiting for me. I cannot help feeling – someone I once led. And I regret it.
Reporter: In what situations are you nervous?
Mathew: When I am not ready for something, what I was able to prepare seriously, and when I am late.
Reporter: What are you reading now?
Mathew: “Born to Run” by Christopher McDougall, and a collection of essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson.