Fedde Le Grand – the show of a New Level!

In musical arsenal of the famous artist there are many stunning singles: “Aah Yeah”, “I Miss You”, “Take No Shhh”, “Scared Of Me” etc. He has a lot of remixes, bootlegs and megamixes. Fedde released two albums: “Sessions” and “Output”.
Radio show of a famous musician Fedde la Grand “Dark Light Sessions” is already nearly two years on the air. And since then it has always been a very popular thing to listen to a weekly show for the fans of really quality music and those who just like to dance. Firstly the music program started with as an evening show from Sirius XM.
And here's a surprise for you now! Fedde le Grand goes with the show to a new level – weekly podcast of the Dutch superstar with new releases, brilliant mash-ups and world exclusives. Radio show of Le Grand is now in the iTunes podcast!
Enjoy your favourite radio presenter and his amazing show!