KR$CHN & Joan Of Art present to your attention original track Coming Down. There are so many not the similar music styles mixed into one. And finally we have a very unusual and catchy track. Who are these crazy artists? KR$CHN is from Chicago. Producing of music is his favoutite deal. He likes house, hip-hop, trap, and dubstep. Such different tastes in music live in one person. And Joan of Art (Saliou Seck) is from France. He gets excited when listen music and calls his own music style as “Electronic and Urban Dance Music”.
That is not important where they come from. These musicians found each other, and gave us an unforgettable pleasure from music’s listening.
Their mix starts out very dreamlike, and progresses with a soft bubbly notes. Feel yourself like being in the outer space. To say with a one word – Perfect work and amazing vocals!