Vocalist Day - 33 Oscars

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1. Mia Doi Todd - My room is white (Flying Lotus remix)
2. Mutti - Close To you
3. Juno - Suckers Never Play That - Reset Your Life ©
4. Offdate - Toothache
5. Masha XII & Der Nerv - And Why
6. Juno - Suckers Never Play That - Jazz Bas ©
7. Receptor - Room 302
8. Max Tribe - Stay With Me
9. The Engineer - Anthony's Walk
10. Fabrio Lava - Venecia
11. Melatonin - Glory
12. Receptor - TRip Party
13. Masha XII - I'll stay with you
14. Melatonin - Forgive me (I love you)
15. Mu5ex (DJ Bes) - Old Bj
16. Juno - Suckers Never Play That - The End ©
17. Juno - Suckers Never Play That - Top©
18. SERJEE - Shout of my soul
19. Jagged - Presentiment
20. Mika Denn - Clown
21. Masha XII - Comics
22. Masha XII & Trash Deluxe - Just One Day
23. Pitched Elephants - Bad Girls
24. Masha XII - Not today
25. NiCotine - Requiem for a Dream (bodyrock red mix)
26. Masha XII - Not today
27. Kooqla - "Mute"
28. Miusha - Spiders
29. Masha XII & Trash Deluxe - I'll Remember
30. Myod - Somebody
31. Masha XII - Heart.
32. Masha XII - Loneliness in a white room
33. Myod - Birthday