The Echo Presents
Figs Vision
It's what makes you dance, laugh, cry or shout. Its pouring out of us and into the music. Here we stand unafraid to share our heart and soul with you. Music forged from the friendship of those two who must create. Those who live for the melody of the story and die if not for the passion of communicating their love for human experience. Figs Vision is from LA, CA. Figs Vision says "Dance in front of your mirror"
The desert keeps our secrets. It buries our treasures, it swallows our identity. People come here to be forgotten, to forget themselves. And so the desert is heavy. It is heavy with memory, a dusty oasis for those who can no longer carry the burdens of their past.
But from this heaviness beams light. The promise of rebirth, of new beginnings.
The promise of dreams.
The promise of Draemings.