Railroad Earth, Yarn in Washington, 2014

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This Friday 7th of February come to listen Railroad Earth and Yarn at 9:30 club!

Earth's music combines elements of bluegrass, rock and roll, jazz, celtic and more, and the group is also known for its extensive live improvisation and lyrical songwriting within an acoustic base.

There’s a great scene in The Last Waltz – the documentary about The Band’s final concert – where director Martin Scorsese is discussing music with drummer/singer/mandolin player Levon Helm. Helm says, “If it mixes with rhythm, and if it dances, then you’ve got a great combination of all those different kinds of music: country, bluegrass, blues music, show music…”
To which Scorsese, the inquisitive interviewer, asks, “What’s it called, then?”
“Rock & roll!”

Songwriter/lead vocalist Todd Sheaffer continues, “When we started, we only loosely had the idea of getting together and playing some music. It started that informally; just getting together and doing some picking and playing. Over a couple of month period, we started working on some original songs, as well as playing some covers that we thought would be fun to play.”

And what about Yarn. Is there a mark of success for Yarn? Christiana states it well, “To live comfortably and make music for our fans. I just want to be able to do what I love and eat...so maybe I’m already there,” he laughs, “we want to make good music and hopefully that makes someone else’s life better.” 



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