Miss Kittin Information page Caroline Hervé

Minimal DJ 8788.6
Miss Kittin Miss Kittin Miss Kittin Miss Kittin Miss Kittin
Artist in the catalog: Stars

2001: Miss Kittin & The Hacker - First Album: 12. "DJ Song"

Added by:
Miss Kittin


This track is part of "First Album" by Miss Kittin & The Hacker.

See details below or check discogs: http://www.discogs.com/Miss-Kittin-The-Hacker-First-Album/release/20345

Buy the track at: 

Zero Inch: http://www.zero-inch.com/artist/Miss_Kittin/track/DJ_Song/61113
Beatport: http://www.beatport.com/#track/dj-song-original-mix/455193
Itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/album/first-album/id270122321?l=en

Released by: International DJ Gigolo Records
Release/catalogue number: Gigolo 75
Release date: Oct 1, 2001

Are you from Blur or Oasis
Or maybe just the new James Dean
A kind of new old disco king
Back in the scene, back in the scene

Wearing Gucci
Prada shoes, Armani string
Move your body in a tidy choreography, choreography
You are a DJ

Do you prefer big breasts
Or you prefer egg tits
Anyway girls always fit
Always fit, always fit
Every night a new female
On your list top models
Sexappeal without a girl
make no sense, make no sense
You are a DJ

Hard work to be a DJ
Be on air every day
Shopping, casting
Yes, it's hard to be a DJ

Hard work to be a DJ
Be on air every day
Shopping, casting
Yes, it's hard to be a DJ

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