Miss Kittin Information page Caroline Hervé

Minimal DJ 8985.3
Miss Kittin Miss Kittin Miss Kittin Miss Kittin Miss Kittin
Artist in the catalog: Stars

2003: Golden Boy with Miss Kittin - Autopilot: B1. "Autopilot (Marchos-Full Synthetic Rework)"

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Miss Kittin


This track is part of „Autopilot" by Golden Boy with Miss Kittin.

See details below or check discogs: http://www.discogs.com/Golden-Boy-With-Miss-Kittin-Autopilot/release/192067

Buy the track at:

Zero Inch: http://www.zero-inch.com/artist/Golden_Boy/track/Autopilot_%28Marchos-Full_Synthetic_Rework%29/295941
Beatport: http://www.beatport.com/#track/autopilot-marchos-full-synthetic-rework/178105

Itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/album/autopilot-ep/id162624555?l=en

Released by: Ladomat 2000
Release/catalogue number: Ladomat 2153-0
Release date: Oct 22, 2003

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