Iggy Azalea Information page Amethyst Amelia Kelly

Hip-Hop / RnB artists 14676.5
Iggy Azalea Iggy Azalea Iggy Azalea Iggy Azalea Iggy Azalea
Artist in the catalog: Stars

Iggy Azalea - LIFT Video Diary #3: Q&A

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Iggy Azalea

Pre-order the new single 'Bounce' on iTunes now http://po.st/bounceitunes
Download 'Work' in the US http://po.st/work

Instagram @thenewclassic

Download a free mixtape at http://www.iggyazalea.com

Music video by Iggy Azalea performing LIFT Video Diary #3: Q&A. (C) 2013 Universal Music Operations Limited

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