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Дима Билан Дима Билан Дима Билан
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Dima Bilan at Infomania [ENG SUBS] Депрессия не может не закончиться

Дима Билан

'Infomania' - is the info-analytical program in 'infotainment' gеnre, which is produced by Apostol Media Group http://www.infomaniya.ru/
Dima Bilan is one of its editors-in-large.
Выпуск 176. 12.05.11 Социум.
Dima Bilan: The topic is about something ephemeral, something that you can't explore or touch. For example, if you feel pain in your appendix, it's obvious that it needs to be cut out. If your finger is bleeding, for instance, you've cut it, it's obvious too, because it's physical health. But the only thought that has to go through your mood and apathy is that this condition is not peculiar to people and it will end very soon. You can even think about it with irony, you can crush this condition, you can be sad and go very deep down. But only with the understanding that you will come back, without any doubts you will come back. Think of this as it is a temporary phenomenon, which will end for sure.
Thanks for translation to Just Lesya

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