2010-03-11 Frozy Meteo [Hero In My Hood]
2010-03-27 U-Ground vol.3 [Silver Screen Rec]
2010-04-26 Transformation [Sanex Music]
2010-05-08 Vorld Tecno Sounds vol.2 [Silver Screen Rec]
2010-07-30 Euphoria EP [DeepControl]
2010-08-13 Nagual [DeepControl]
2010-08-28 Tecno Sounds of Berlin vol.1[Muenchen]
2010-09-01 Elements EP [BDivision]
2010-09-10 Summer Sesion [DeepControl]
2010-10-16 Artifical Intelelegence [Poker Dust]
2010-11-04 Best Of Minimal 2010-Part.2 [Sa Trincha Rec]
2010-12-02 Fear Stereopanik [DeepControl]
2010-12-03 VA - Minimal Autumn [Poker Dust]
2010-12-19 Granulyser [Poker Dust]
2010-12-29 Morse [Poker Dust]