Specific Sound RecordsSS010 - Den Vector - In love[CUT] - 20.12.2012 861 197 0trackDrum and Bass2.17 MB
Specific Sound RecordsSS009 - DJ Shizya - One Minute in Life[cut] - 30.11.2012 839 218 0trackBreakbeat1.78 MB
Specific Sound RecordsSS008 - Up5ide - atmos-shooting star - Teaser - 10.11.2012 869 205 0trackDrum and Bass3.65 MB
Specific Sound RecordsSS006 - Corpse Sam - Wicked Party (Feat. Flamey)[cut] - 18.10.2012 848 204 0trackDubstep1.48 MB
Specific Sound RecordsSS003 - Lefthook - Ishimura/Aurobindo - Teaser - 31.08.2012 869 212 0trackDubstep3.38 MB
Specific Sound RecordsSS001 - Founder Prophecies - Area 51 EP - Teaser - 28.08.2012 839 201 0trackDrum and Bass7.43 MB