JIM Evgeny Glotikov

DJ Electro House 1827.3
Артист в каталоге: Звезды

JIM - DJ JIM - Fresh Emotions 2013 (2013)

JIM - DJ JIM - Fresh Emotions 2013
Дата записи:
18 May 2013
Дата добавления:
18 May 2013
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1462 397 154.64 MB

Описание / Треклист:

67 минут удовольствия:
1. VIF - Outro (Original Mix)
2. Jon Medina - Sunrise Over Neptune (Maylo Remix)
3. Proglifter - Las Palmas (Original Mix)
4. Jay FM - Free Spirit (Talamanca Remix)
5. Mike Shiver - Ohh (Original Mix)
6. Justin Oh ft. Remus - Where The Lights Fall (Extended Mix)
7. Vitodito - Vaya Lio (Original Mix)
8. Fon.Leman - Feel The Same (Kaspar Kochker Remix)
9. Talamanca - Talamanca Beach (Vitodito Remix)
10. Weepee - Lilt (Matt Fax Remix)
11. Luigi Lusini & F3nix Rebirth - When the Heart Speeds Up (Original Mix)
12. Eleven.Five - Freckles (Luiz B Remix)
13. AxisONE - Toronto (Xeva Remix)
14. Moguai - Champs (Original Mix)
15. Helvetic Nerds - Stormwatch (Chris Reece & Dinka Old Fashion Mix)

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