Armin Van Buuren Information page Armin Van Buuren

Trance DJ 15674.3
Armin Van Buuren Armin Van Buuren Armin Van Buuren Armin Van Buuren Armin Van Buuren Armin Van Buuren
Account in the directory: Legends

A State of Trance 550 Moscow video report

Added by:
Armin Van Buuren

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Track Playing:
W&W - Invasion
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What a night, what a party! For no less than 11 hours, Moscow celebrated the 550th episode of A State of Trance. The 11th birthday of Armin van Buuren's radio show once again turned into a global happening, with millions of people tuning into the live broadcast and more than 12.000 clubbers partying at Moscow's International Exhibition Center. With 15 DJ's divided over 2 area's, this was definitely a night to remember for a long time!

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